LGBTI Anglican Coalition





The LGBTI Anglican Coalition has aimed to provide UK based Christian LGBTI organisations with opportunities to create resources for the Anglican community and to develop a shared voice for the full acceptance of LGBTI people in the Anglican Communion. The members are:


The Member groups are: Inclusive Church, Changing Attitude, LGCM, EFGLC, UK Intersex Association, Sibyls, Accepting Evangelicals, CoE General Synod Human Sexuality Group


This website has been superseded. Last update 20 February 2015


This superseded website is now maintained as a resource document and a historical record of the previous work of the LGBTI Anglican Coalition.  The current website address for the LGBTI Anglican Coalition is  



Continue to the Old Site


The organisations which have constituted the Coalition are:


LGBTI Mission campaigns for the full acceptance and affirmation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people within the Church of England. Despite the teachings of our faith to love our neighbours, and that God is love, this is not the experience of many LGBTI people within the church. Full inclusion has been sought and debated for decades but many LGBTI people and their families still do not feel welcome. We believe the time has come for decisive change. This group was originally set up as a working party of the Coalition. It now operates independently. 


Accepting Evangelicals is a open network of Evangelical Christians who believe the time has come to move towards the acceptance of faithful, loving same-sex partnerships at every level of church life, and the development of a positive Christian ethic for gay and lesbian people.


Changing Attitude is a campaigning group drawn by God’s love to work for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Anglican Communion.


The Evangelical Fellowship for Lesbian and Gay Christians (EFLGC), formed in 1979, is a group of women and men, most of whom are lesbian, gay or bisexual and come from an evangelical Christian background. The Evangelical Fellowship gives the opportunity: to meet and share experiences with other lesbian, gay and bisexual Christians; to support and be supported in times of difficulty or stress; to encourage one another in the Christian faith; to think through issues relating both to faith and sexuality. 


Inclusive Church is a network of individuals and organisations whose make-up reflects the breadth and scope of the Church of England and beyond. We are working to break down the barriers to full inclusion at all levels of the Anglican Communion.


The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement is a UK-based international Charity which challenges homophobia and transphobia, especially within the Church and faith based organisations, as well as working to create and praying for an inclusive church.


The Sibyls is a UK-based confidential Christian spirituality group for transgender people, and their supporters, offering companionship along the journey, and information/advocacy to churches.


The United Kingdom Intersex Association (UKIA) is an education, advocacy, campaigning and support organisation which works on behalf of Intersex people. Intersex people are individuals whose anatomy or physiology differ from contemporary cultural stereotypes of what constitute typical male and female. UKIA has the following aims:to educate, inform and campaign in order to remove the shame, secrecy, social prejudice, ignorance and stigmatization which surround Intersex people. to campaign against the pathologising and medicalisation of Intersex peoples' lives. to campaign against the use of surgery and other medical treatments for coercing Intersex people to physically conform to cultural definitions of "normal". to campaign against the widespread practice of witholding information from Intersex people regarding the medical implications of being born Intersex where these exist. to campaign for the same status and respect for human rights accorded to all others to be equally accorded to Intersex people.


General Synod Human Sexuality Group works in General Synod for deeper understanding on issues of sexuality.



This superseded website is now maintained as a resource document and a historical record of the previous work of the LGBTI Anglican Coalition




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